Kermit Brown Works

Kermit Brown

Kermit M. Brown is a native Floridian whose ancestors arrived in Florida in the late 1700s. He retired after a career in Florida museums – first at the Florida Museum of Natural History; then, the Museum of Florida History. Since his retirement in 1994, he and his wife Dianne have guided wilderness canoe trips. Kermit has had a few short stories, several articles on canoeing, and Florida history published. He continues to lecture on many subjects; but his favorite is Florida history.

In his past, he has raced hydroplanes, bicycles and crewed on ocean racing yachts. He was a certified scuba diver and a skilled aerobatics pilot. Since 2011 he has been competing in barebow recurve archery with a dozen gold medals to his credit and a bronze medal from the 2015 National Senior Olympics.