Lynne Fraser Works

'When in doubt Plein Air'

As a native of Scotland, landscapes and scenery have always been Lynne’s muse. Lynne built her career creating 3D art, sculpting landscape designs for 30 years in Cincinnati, Ohio. Brushes and oil paints now replace her tracing paper and pencils and her love of outdoor painting now translates the scenery vividly onto canvas with a distinct impressionistic, “a la prima” painting style. Lynne’s light-filled paintings chronicle her travels to Greece, Italy, Key West, Charleston South Carolina and The Forgotten Coast of old Florida.

For the past nine years, Lynne’s increasing fascination with the low country of South Carolina and the Florida Panhandle has resulted in sophisticated renderings of Shem Creek, Poe’s Tavern, Magnolia Plantation in Charleston, St. Vincent Island, Indian Pass and Apalachicola Florida. Whether at home in her adopted coastal towns of Port St Joe, FL and Mt. Pleasant, SC or traveling through Europe and the United States Lynne’s adventurous spirit instantly connects with the local views then renders them on canvas with attention to color, light and detail.