Virginia Lourdes Gloekler Works

Virginia Lourdes Gloekler
Tagua Jewelry by Lulu
Welcome to our unique world of Organic Tagua Handcrafted Jewelry, a labor of love and creativity designed by Lulu, a native artisan born in the tropical haven of Bahia de Caracas along the Pacific Coast. 
Our jewelry is meticulously crafted from Tagua nuts, a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional materials. Tagua nuts, sourced from the heart of the Amazon Basin, are transformed into exquisite pieces that reflect the rich cultural heritage of the region. Each creation tells a story, blending indigenous craftsmanship with contemporary design.
Lulu's roots in the fishing town of Bahia de Caracas infuse a coastal charm into every piece, capturing the spirit of her upbringing. The jewelry not only embodies her artistic vision but also stands as a testament to her commitment to fair trade practices, ensuring that every handcrafted piece contributes positively to the lives of the artisans involved.
Explore our collection and adorn yourself with jewelry that transcends borders, connecting you to the lush landscapes and vibrant cultures of the Amazon and South American tropics. Join us in celebrating the artistry, sustainability, and the captivating journey behind each unique creation.
How do we make our jewelry
The tagua nut, often referred to as "vegetable ivory," comes from the tagua palm tree, scientifically known as Phytelephas. This palm tree is native to the tropical rainforests of South America, predominantly found in countries like Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, and Brazil. 
The tagua palm produces large, woody fruits, and within these fruits are the tagua nuts. The nuts are enclosed in a hard, woody shell that protects them as they develop. Once mature, these nuts fall to the ground, and they are then harvested for various purposes, including the creation of tagua jewelry. 
The use of tagua nuts as a material has gained popularity due to its sustainable and eco-friendly nature. Harvesting tagua nuts does not harm the palm trees, as they continue to produce more nuts throughout their lifespan. This makes tagua a renewable resource and a viable alternative to ivory, contributing to the conservation of tropical rainforests and wildlife. 
Artisans and craftsmen extract, clean, and shape these tagua nuts to create intricate and beautiful pieces of jewelry, showcasing the natural beauty of this sustainable material. The tagua nut's origin is deeply rooted in the lush landscapes of South America, where it plays a crucial role in supporting environmentally friendly practices and the livelihoods of local communities involved in its harvesting and processing.